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From visualization to conversion: How modern design affects e-commerce success.

The modern market is extremely competitive, especially in the Internet, where every second and every pixel can decide whether you attract a customer or not. For companies that are considering a new website design or want to audit their current one, it is important to understand how these elements influence user interest and engagement. Here's a more in-depth look at the key aspects of modern website design.

1. The first impression is the key

There are few things that are as important as the first impression. Studies show that the first 50 milliseconds are enough for the user to form an opinion about the website. Modern design that combines aesthetics with functionality can effectively increase interest and reduce the bounce rate.

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2. Usability and accessibility

The design of the website must be not only attractive, but also functional. Easy-to-navigate pages with a clear visual layout evoke a positive emotional response in users. If users have to try too hard to find what they are looking for, they may become frustrated

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3. Responsiveness - the key to mobile customers

Ensuring that your website works smoothly on all devices is essential in the smartphone era. Google promotes a "mobile-first" approach, which means that pages are indexed from their mobile versions. Sites designed with mobile users in mind rank better in search results and are easier to navigate on any device

4. Use of proper colors and fonts

Choice of colors and fonts are critical not only for aesthetics, but also for accessibility. Per WCAG 2.2 guidelines, the contrast between text and background should be at least 4.5:1 for plain text to meet Level AA accessibility standards. For larger text, required contrast is 3:1. The higher AAA level requires even greater contrast, up to 7:1, which provides better readability for people with various vision limitations.

Tools like Color Contrast Analyser can help you evaluate and chose appropriate colors, for increasing accessibility and comfort of using the website

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5. SEO and online visibility

Modern design of the website affects its optimization for google search engines. Lighthouse tool, available in Google Chrome, allows user for a thorough analysis of many aspects of the website, such as performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO. Lighthouse generates reports that indicate where improvements need to be made to make the website faster, better suited to user needs, and more visible in search results. Accessibility, loading speed and responsiveness are key elements that are analyzed and have a direct impact on SEO.

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Investing in a modern website design is an investment in the company's future. It not only enables a better first impression, but also improves functionality, accessibility and search engine optimization. Companies that attach importance to these elements may notice a significant increase in interest in their services, which translates into better financial results.